Crypto is more than just digital gold
2 min readJan 24, 2022

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Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

The people who invest in crypto could be categorized into following fields

  1. Enthusiastic about the future of currency (BTC, ETH HODLers)
  2. Would want to make quick money out of it (MEMEcoin HODLers — DOGE, SHIB HODLers)
  3. Have seen people get rich through smart investments in 5–10 years and want to get a piece of the pie (ALGO, LRC — Looking for low marketcap, high potential coins to invest in)

Everyone is on a different boat when it comes to adapting something new

We have seen similar occurrences during the advent of the internet, motor engines or electricity

Each new technology changes how humans work and survive through it.

Cryptocurrency is the next revolution coming out of the internet as it could literally change how value works in the digital world

The next occurence coming out of this wave is the NFT market and the Metaverse. Where cryptocurrency becomes the medium of exchange in “virtual” worlds

Yes, we are creating parallel universes just like how the “matrix” movies show it. Tapping into human sensory organs through technology like VR Headsets like Oculus Rift (Owned by Facebook) . That is the reason Mark renamed Facebook to Meta (short for Metaverse) as he sees this as the future of social communications. Sitting in our comfort zone while travelling in our mind using technology to communicate with people far far away. This kind of reminds me of the scene about human’s future from the movie “Wall-E”.

I know it shows that the future could be hard but we are not here to judge, just observe :)

I am excited about the future and you should be too. Do not be scared of it or do not over indulge in it as well, that would be how i would absorb it.

As, as long as we are alive. There is always room for everyone’s thoughts and how they would like to live their lives. That’s it.

Cryptocurrency is just start to a new form of value. A medium of exchange. We as a species, started trading with stones, moved to copper, then brass, then gold, then paper currency as of today. But as we expand from countries to a global economy. So as our medium of exchange should evolve as well and that is what is happening now. Globalisation has matured. That’s what’s up.

